«example Küngenmatt» – Alternatives to Demolition

Verein Mieten-Marta

In the discourse about the socio-ecological construction turnaround, it is often heard that “you can't build any other way than with a demolition-new-construction.” The reasons often remain vague and are not weighed against each other: For example, renovations and increases would be too expensive due to regulations on statics, accessibility, parking spaces and fire protection; or the substance of the existing building is too old; another project as a demolition-new-construction building is not economical; alternative scenarios fail due to densification; or a new building is simply the most ecological project.

On closer examination, these arguments either turn out to be incomplete (e.g. due to a lack of inclusion of grey energy/emissions), do not question our ideas of prosperity (e.g. whether an equally high standard of construction is a must everywhere), could be implemented creatively (e.g. accessibility through arcades instead of lifts) or could definitely work with changed legal frameworks (e.g. by questioning parking requirements or high building technology requirements).

Instead of general references to the status quo, we therefore urgently need specific examples that show: It is possible to build differently! And we must show honestly and in the necessary detail under which conditions this can be implemented. In the proposed innovation project, we aim to mainstream alternatives to demolition construction by proposing sustainable conversion plans for existing settlements and calculating in detail and showing what ecological, social and economic consequences this would have. It is important to tell an alternative story and thus to inspire and encourage building differently.

A first initiative was created in 2022 with the Bergacker example (www.beispiel-bergacker.ch). A post-war settlement built in 1954 is interviewed for ecological, social and economic alternatives. The initial conclusions from this show that strategies such as stocking up and building extensions are worthy of discussion and, combined with a partial replacement (instead of total replacement), are actually ecologically and socially sustainable solutions.

The “Bergacker example” initiative was deliberately designed in such a way that it could also expand into a series of other examples from time to time. The great interest in the public event at ZAZ Bellerive showed that efforts in this direction absolutely should be continued. Now there is an ideal opportunity with the Küngenmatt settlement in Heuried. This excellently preserved and recently renovated settlement will be demolished by the owner (Crédit Suisse) in 2025 and replaced by new buildings. Tenants have  vehemently brought their resistance to the public for months, showing the ecological and social consequences of this approach (www.wirbleibenimheuried.ch). Those affected have collected a lot of material, which can now be processed into a second “Küngenmatt example.” The economic calculations are confirmed by Hannes Reichel (ETH Zurich). The association Mieten-Marta offers the opportunity to organise extensive coordination with other input providers as well as the preparation of the report, website and their publication (including public discussion).

In doing so, we want to advance and substantiate the public-professional discourse on alternatives in construction.