Innovation Booster Future Urban Society

What does the future of life look like in urban areas in Switzerland?

How does the good life work within planetary limits? How can we live in a climate-friendly way in the future? How can we travel affordably, climate-neutrally — privately and professionally? How do we make it possible for everyone to eat as regionally and environmentally friendly as possible? These questions can only be answered together, co-creatively and with a new understanding of innovation.

The Innovation Booster Future Urban Society promotes radically new approaches to catapult the best ideas in the interconnected areas of housing, mobility and nutrition out of their niche. Bring along your solutions and develop them further with other experts and innovators. Help mainstream eco-social innovations and secure yourself and your team for jointly developed ideas methodological and financial support.

More about the basic idea of Innosuisse's Innovation Booster

Selected projects

From 45 ideas, 10 were selected and these are now being supported in our Innovation Booster.

Discover all ideas

«Beispiel Küngenmatt» – Alternativen zum Abriss

Verein Mieten-Marta

Im Diskurs um die sozialökologische Bauwende ist häufig zu hören, «man könne nicht mehr anders bauen als mit Abriss-Neubau». Um ein öffentliches Umdenken anzustossen, müssen Alternativen darum auch an konkreten Fällen aufgezeigt werden. Eine erste Initiative entstand 2022 mit dem Beispiel Bergacker ( Daran wollen wir ein zweites Beispiel anschliessen, über die Siedlung Küngenmatt. Wir wollen berechnen, unter welchen Umständen dort ein sozialökologisches Projekt möglich ist.

Zum Projekt
Circulation of things

HANDS ON – Selbstwirksamkeit im Konsumchaos

Maison Shift

HANDS ON ist ein Prototyp, in dem wir Vermittlungsstrategien für die Sensibilisierung von Jugendlichen zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit in Bezug auf Fast Fashion entwickeln, erforschen und erproben (Umsetzung). Mit künstlerischen Strategien entwickeln und testen wir Vermittlungsformate, die jungen Menschen über das Tun einen lustvollen Zugang zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen im Spannungsfeld Fashionkonsum ermöglichen.

Zum Projekt

Warm Data Labs im Pilotquartier Netto-Null – Systemische Partizipation für Klimagerechtes Wohnen

DenkRaum Bodensee

Warm Data Labs (WDL) sind partizipative Workshops, die im Wohnbereich des Pilotquartiers Netto-Null (Binz/Alt-Wiedikon) als Prototypen für ein Verständnis von klimagerechtem Leben durchgeführt werden. Die Labs fördern ein tiefes Verständnis für die Wechselwirkungen zwischen unserem Lebensraum, der Natur und sozialer Gerechtigkeit.

Zum Projekt


The following events and workshops still await us during the next couple of months:

Kick-off & Challenge Workshop

On February 5, the Kick-off & Challenge Workshop will take place in cooperation with the University of Basel (Department of Social Sciences). The event is open to anyone involved in or interested in eco-social innovation, with a specific focus on the three challenges and the Basel area.

To the events


The theme for 2025 is food, mobility and sharing. We are looking for the best approaches, ideas and proposed solutions from all over Switzerland for our three challenges.

Starts soon




February 5, 2025

Sharing Sharing Sharing

Sharing Sharing Sharing — Sharing as a social innovation. How does sharing things become a matter of course in everyday urban life?

Mehr erfahren

Starts soon




February 5, 2025

City of short distances

City of short distances — spatial development for a better quality of life. How could we contribute to a high quality of life in Swiss cities and agglomerations through short distances?

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Starts soon




February 5, 2025

The edible city

The edible city — How we get back to our taste. How can we promote our own health and that of the planet by growing and enjoying local food?

Mehr erfahren





May 6, 2024

Circulation of things

How could we encourage the general public to reuse or to pass on things rather than disposing of them or buying new ones by "strengthening" the existing, promising initiatives, services and offers for sharing, passing on and repairing?

Mehr erfahren

We need systemic approaches

Climate crisis, destruction of biodiversity, energy crisis — we live in a world of multiple crises. Mastering these challenges requires radically new ideas and approaches, both technologically and socially.

Ob Share, Repair oder DIY – viele innovative Ansätze, Projekte und Ideen für ein klimagerechtes Leben im urbanen Raum bleiben klein. Nicht weil sie im Grundsatz nicht funktionieren, sondern weil sie meist verschiedene Bereiche unseres Lebens betreffen, weil es nicht einfach ist, unsere Gewohnheiten zu ändern und die unterschiedlichsten Akteur:innen mitmachen müssen bei der Umsetzung. Die Verstetigung oder Verbreitung von integrativen Ansätzen funktioniert anders als bei rein kommerziellen Angeboten. Daher möchten wir in unserem Innovation Booster ökosoziale Innovationen verstärken und skalieren, um sie im Mainstream zu etablieren.

“What concerns everyone, only everyone can solve.” Friedrich Dürrenmatt (The Physicists)

The major challenges of our time can only be overcome by working together with people from different sectors of society. That is why the booster uses an open innovation approach. Over the next four years, we will bring together key actors from civil society, science and business with city administrations, currently from Zurich, Basel and Lausanne. Together, systemic problems are researched and radical ideas for sustainable solutions are developed.

Be part of the solution and receive methodological and financial support

To enable and accelerate innovation, we connect cities and administrations with eco-social innovators as well as stakeholders from the private sector and science. We can financially support ideas that arise and/or are developed through the Innovation Booster Program with methodological and financial support, including vouchers for expert advice and coaching. In this way, we make it possible for promising innovations to be further developed and tested in urban areas of Switzerland. In addition, together with our partners, we are working to ensure that further implementation of the innovations after the booster is likely.

The first submission phase is over and no further projects can be submitted at the moment.

Stay informed

Who is behind the project?

Meso Innovation Alliance
The Booster Future Urban Society is supported by Meso as a Co-Leading House and is characterized by the expertise of the following organizations:


Björn Müller
Björn Müller
Programme Director | Meso Innovationsallianz / Stride the unSchool
Samuel Eberenz
Samuel Eberenz
Konzeption & Stakeholder engagement | Stiftung Risiko-Dialog / Meso Innovationsallianz
Mirko Fischli
Mirko Fischli
Project Manager Booster | Dezentrum / Meso Innovationsallianz
Katrin Hauser
Katrin Hauser
Konzeption & Facilitation | Scaling4Good / Meso Innovationsallianz
Nicola Blum
Nicola Blum
Konzeption & Research | BFH
Pascal Dey
Pascal Dey
Research | BFH
Sarah Bleuler
Sarah Bleuler
Project Manager & Kommunikation | Dezentrum
Yann Bartal
Yann Bartal
Kommunikation | Dezentrum
Anaïs Sägesser
Anaïs Sägesser
Anchor Basel | Scaling4Good
Barbara Tank
Barbara Tank
Projektleitung und Kommunikation Fachstelle Klima | Kanton Basel-Stadt

City Partnerships

Urban innovation is only possible through strong partnerships with cities and municipalities. That is why we are particularly proud of our implementation partnerships:

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