Who is behind Future Urban Society?
The Innovation Booster Future Urban Society is provided by Meso Innovation Alliance as Leading House. Meso is an alliance of organizations that are committed to thinking and practicing innovation in Switzerland as a contribution to solving our major societal challenges.
Meso Alliance members who participate in Innovation Booster
Björn Müller
Programme Director | Meso Innovation Alliance / Stride the unSchool
Samuel Eberenz
Concept & Stakeholder Engagement | Stiftung Risiko-Dialog / Meso Innovation Alliance
Mirko Fischli
Project Manager Booster | Dezentrum / Meso Innovation Alliance
Katrin Hauser
Concept & Facilitation | Scaling4Good / Meso Innovation Alliance
Nicola Blum
Concept & Research | BFH
Sarah Bleuler
Project Manager & Communication | Dezentrum
Yann Bartal
Communication | Dezentrum
Anaïs Sägesser
Anchor Basel | Scaling4Good
Barbara Tank
Project Lead and Communication Fachstelle Klima | Kanton Basel-Stadt
Advisory Board Basel
Basil Bornemann
Research associate & Lecturer | University of Basel
Adrienne Schöttle
Climate Coordinator & Research Associate | BVD Kanton Basel-Stadt
Márton Varga
Academic Staff Member | AUE Kanton Basel-Stadt
Reto Baumgartner
Director | Gewerbeverband Basel-Stadt
Till Berger
Lead Fachstelle Klima | Kanton Basel-Stadt
Frederike Asael
Ecosystems & Storyteller | Basel Circular
Jury, Zurich 2024
Philipp Siegenthaler
Smart City Zürich
Julie Le Bars
Student Association, Gymnasium Freudenberg
Dr. Stephanie Moser
Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern
Frederike Asael
CQ-Circular Intelligence I BaselCircular
Joséphine von Mitschke-Collande
Stiftung Mercator
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